Sunday, June 22, 2008


Have you ever imagine the world after 100 years. That is beyond the imegination of people around us. I have taken that oppurtunity to explian it. There will be horrible changes in all sectors of the world and it will reduce the factor of distance between two countries. There will be many changes in infrastructure, household, automobile , entertainment and many more.

let's see them by point by point.


Infrastructure consist of banking , transpotetion, warehouses,communication and many more. IN banking sector there is going to be big change . There will be no need of cheques, creditcards, debit cards, or ATM. Because a little machine of 2 to three centimeters will be found. In that you have just want to tell the ammount you want infront of it and money will be there in few seconds. you can carry this machine anywere in the world , so the tension of cheques , dr. or cr. card will be no more there. There will no possibility of robb that money.


Big changes will happen here. New cars of latest technology will be overthere. In that you have to tell the name of the places and you will be there within few seconds without any accident. Have you ever imagine that cars can talk with eachother. One car will tell other to give it side as it is going to overtake it. wow what world that will be.


There is good news for women , because they will get big relief here. One remote will be there with display board , in that you have to just enter the name of the things that you want to eat , you will get that things in few seconds without any cooking. e.g. i want to eat pizza , than i enter the pizza in the display board i will be with pizza in few seconds.

Apart from this positive effect, we have some nagative effect to. Polution will kill the people. Globlization will gobel the world. But we have to think positive in our life. so let's pray for good and prosporous future.

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